Our "Walt Disney" litter is born april 4
Mother: Brwyn's Paperino (Keesje) Pedigree
Father: Champion Brwyn's Mohawk (Nikan) Pedigree
Pictures of the puppies, map 1
Pictures of the puppies, map 2
Pictures of the puppies, map 3

Our "STATUS QUO" litter is born 150408
Father: Multi Champion Brwyn's Friends Forever pedigree
Mother: Brwyn's Knocking on Heavens Door pedigree
Pictures of the puppies. album 1
More pictures of the puppies, album 2
More pictures of the puppies, album 3
The puppies at home
Pictures of our Nikan "Ch. Brwyn's Mohawk" his puppies
pictures puppies "Of the Cuddle Corner"
Father Fellow (Brwyn's Friends Forever)
Tara (Brwyn's Patara)
For more pictures look at the Dutch pages

Stork is looking who is finish. It's a pity that not all did finish.
But look to the winners 